Amber Watkins suggested I raise this request through "Ideas".
I frequently see errors like this in the RPD System.trace when it wishes to talk to Avanti Slingshot:
2023-01-11 06:20:08.239+0000 Job-E 324956745 ID: 15 Error: 12
2023-01-11 06:20:08.239+0000 Job-E 324956745 ID: JMFSENDING Error: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><JMF xmlns="" xmlns:infoprint="InfoPrint" xmlns:xsi="" MaxVersion="1.6" SenderID="ProcessDirector" TimeStamp="2023-01-11T06:20:08+00:00" Version="1.4"><Signal ChannelMode="FireAndForget" ID="ID15" LastRepeat="false" Type="Status" xsi:type="SignalStatus"><DeviceInfo DeviceID="MPS01" DeviceStatus="Running"> <Device DeviceID="MPS01" DescriptiveName="MPS01" FriendlyName="MPS01" Class="Implementation" AgentVersion="" /> <JobPhase JobID="10001043-001" JobPartID="10001043-001.1." NPage="8550" Amount="1" QueueEntryID="10001043.1" Status="InProgress" StatusDetails="Good"/></DeviceInfo></Signal><Comment Name="infoprint:ApiVersion">1.6.0 Drop 646</Comment><Comment Name="infoprint:JtapiVersion">1.6.0 Drop 646</Comment></JMF>
The first error is meaningless as there's no context. Could you provide some additional text in the message please so it may be more easily located in the source code?
The second error isn't an error at all, it's actually an information message. However since it is labelled as error, it gets my attention every time when it shouldn't. Could this be changed to a different message class please, for example TraceJob.Status()? The class concerned is JMFCreationHelper.