This idea enables production to better handle their workload according to print priority changes.
Production operators would benefit from this.
Using whatever filters have been applied to the Jobs portlet, when an operator selects a range of jobs for production on a single printer, read the unique values of Customer from that field, build a sorted list of the customer names, and display them in a dialog window, with each unique customer key field having a value field next to it, into which the operator can enter a priority number. Upon entry of the values and subsequent validation, the priority values would be applied to each job in the portlet selection for each of the relevant customers.
Please see the attached concept pictures.
Using them as a guide, you can see that all selected jobs in the portlet with a Customer field value of "Financial Acumen" would have a priority value of "1" assigned to them, whereas all selected jobs in the portlet with a Customer field value of "Chicken Palooza" would have a priority value of "3" assigned to them
NOTE: priority changes would be made only to those jobs selected in the jobs portlet at the time of invoking the dialog, not all jobs on the system with a matching Customer name.
Isn't that already available? Select multiple jobs -> Set priority: