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Ideas for RICOH ProcessDirector

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Please note that all ideas submitted become the property of Ricoh, LTD.


All ideas

Showing 276

Please add RPD System Setting to configure Usage Percent Threshold for AFP Printing

Customers keep reporting that their AFP printing halts or their RPD GUI behaves erratically when Windows free disk space is <10%. The RPD GUI does not help identify the problem. When printing AFP jobs using RPD, PSF has a threshold for PSF segm...
almost 2 years ago in  0 Under consideration

I should be able to resize PODs

When scrollbars were removed the interface for the main panel becomes unusable if you have a lot of pods. You may not be able to resize pods on the left area if it would otherwise cause scrolling. Let me choose my own layout and let the browser ha...
12 months ago in  0 Under consideration

A way to migrate RPD on Windows from a userid to a service userid

So often RPD gets installed by a "standard" userid on Windows, as people do not appreciate the problems that will lead to. It would be good if there is a way to move an existing RPD install to use a different userid, which has been setup as a spec...
almost 2 years ago in  1 Under consideration

Enhance email notification for input devices

InputDevice.WaitingFileCount does not show up currently as a column to be selected for input devices email notification. I understand why it was not added because it could be sending some false notification if the input device has a long polling i...
over 1 year ago in  0 Under consideration

Have RPD store the return code from a RunExternalProgram step

I use several steps based on the RunExternalProgram step template. I want to test on the return code from the external program but it is not stored in RPD. Can it be added as a job property? Then I can use it on a rule on a connector to decide wha...
about 5 years ago in  0 Under consideration

Copy step in one workflow and paste into another

If a step has a lot of configuration in it, and he didn't know to make it a step chain when created, there's no way to get the configuration in that step into another step in another workflow. Workaround would be to select that step and make it a ...
over 1 year ago in  0 Under consideration

Workflow Builder - Manually reposition part of a connector

"This need has come up multiple times. Would like ability to drag a part of a connector and move it." For example, if a connector has multiple elbows, this would allow the user to grab a part of a connector between two elbows and "slide" it away f...
over 3 years ago in  0 Under consideration

Input device status notification email - when a hot folder or LPD folder disconnects/disables would be nice to get an email stating that so it doesn't go unnoticed for too long.

No description provided
about 1 year ago in  1 Under consideration

When the SendEmail step has a problem, there is not enough detail in the EJB001E message

Please add something to help customers diagnose these. The message - " Failed to send email to the specified recipients. The message from SMTP server is: Exception reading response" Is there anything else that could be put in the message? - as Tra...
about 1 year ago in  0 Under consideration

Add the ability to reference a step chain from a workflow

Currently when a step chain is added to a workflow, it is copied into the workflow. Any changes made to the step chain will not be picked up unless the step chain is replaced in the workflow by the updated version. This is a request to add the abi...
over 3 years ago in  0 Under consideration