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Ideas for RICOH ProcessDirector

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Please note that all ideas submitted become the property of Ricoh, LTD.


All ideas

Showing 276

Multiple job lists

Print operations would like to have multiple Jobs portlets open at a time. With one they would filter the list to see possible jobs for assigning to a printer and with another they would see the jobs currently assigned to the printer that they are...
over 2 years ago in  0 Under consideration

Dynamic Step Chains - Show instances to be affected

As part of the Dynamic Step Chains effort, in the manner of the current feature "Show Candidate Jobs" for a printer, show what chains in what workflows would be affected by a change to a dynamic step chain.
over 1 year ago in  0 Under consideration

add the path for psql to search path if Reports is installed

can we get the search path updated if Reports feature is installed so we don't have to find the command to run the postgres from the command line please? we should just type psql instead of /aiw/aiw1/bin/postgresql/Linux/pgsql/bin/psql
over 1 year ago in  0 Under consideration

Add a utility to display a list of properties defined to RPD

Add a utility on the administration tab that will display a list of all of the properties defined on the system. The display should include the database name, display name and type (character, integer, etc). The user should be able to select the o...
over 3 years ago in  0 Under consideration

Detect setting a job's location to one that doesn't exist

If a job's location is set to a location that doesn't exist, there is no way to view the job on the RPD user interface. RPD should detect that the location is being set to a value that doesn't exist and issue an error.
over 3 years ago in  0 Under consideration

% visual and auto update!

make the percentage show the actual number so you dont have to hover over it, also make it so they auto update correctly without have to ctrl+R
11 months ago in  0 Under consideration

Preset Name sent to printer should be logged in RPD job log

Whenever a Preset Name is sent to the printer, this preset name should be logged in the RPD job log. Currently, the job log doesn't mention that any preset name was sent. Also, if there is an error, it just says the error and again doesn't mention...
11 months ago in  0 Under consideration

Add Preset Name drop down menu

When adding a Preset name on the printer or in a job step, the user has to manually type in the Preset name. This can cause unintentional errors. It would be easier if there was a drop down menu of the preset names available, and the user could ju...
11 months ago in  0 Under consideration

SAP Callback

There is a feature for IPM which takes ABAP/OTF data stream and transforms it in AFP. This is already possible in RPD with ITM. But RPD can not create call backs to SAP. I want to have a proper state in my SAP system to separate the document proce...
almost 2 years ago in  0 Under consideration

I want to have a text editor / linter in ProcessDirector for my control files

Would speed up maintenance and testing of external program calls (RunExternalProgram step).
over 5 years ago in  0 Under consideration